Belarusian Assocation of Entrepreneurs

The Belarusian Association of Entrepreneurs is the national public association of small, medium-sized and large private businesses.

The Belarusian Association of Entrepreneurs unites about 700 active members, 20 of which are leaders of national organizations, 300 are heads of corporations, individual entrepreneurs, economists and journalists actively participating in business support programs as experts.

Overall, the network of offices of the Belarusian Association of Entrepreneurs brings together over 16 000 associate members.

The Belarusian Association of Entrepreneurs has representatives (coordinators) in Minsk and all regions of the Republic of Belarus (in total, 60 country regions).

The Association is the oldest organization of Belarus private entrepreneurs.

Date of Foundation — June 15, 1991.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus on September 18, 1991; re-registered on March 21,1995 and June 23, 1999; Charter Amendments registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus on August 21, 2003. Registration certificate No. 00142.

Chairman — Alexander Sergeyevich Potupa Director General,

Vice-Chairman — Grigoriy Semenovich Rylkov

Belarusian Association of Entrepreneurs is a member of:

* European Confederation of SME Associations;

* SME European Council;

* Coordination Center of Russian and Belarusian Manufacturers;

* Belarusian Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers);

* Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Associations representatives are members of:

Council for Entrepreneurship Development in the Republic of Belarus (Presidential Decree ? 228, dated June 5, 2003).

Interdepartmental Committee for Small Business Support and Development (Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus ? 466, dated April 8, 2003).

Interdepartmental Council for Regulating and Boosting Effectiveness of Markets Activities (Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus ?1641, dated November 25, 2002).

Advisory Council, created within the framework of the joint UNDP and Ministry of Economy project.

National Council on Social and Labor Affairs.

National Labor Arbitration.

Councils and Commissions for Entrepreneurship Development in all oblast executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee.

Provide expert support for economic commissions of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.

The Belarusian Association of Entrepreneurs has been actively participating in the following projects:

— Joint Project of the Government of the Republic of Belarus and UNDP Promoting Enterprise Activity through Public-Private Partnerships in Belarus;

— International Finance Corporation «Business Associations Capacity Building Project in Belarus»;

— Women Entrepreneurship Development Programs, etc.

13, Internatsionalnaya St., Minsk 220050 
tel.: (375 -17) 227 11 09, 227 15 96, fax: 227 16 47, governmental contact number — 29-38 
Web Sites: www.baeonline.?rg

