Final decision on approval of projects selected within the thematic objective HERITAGE


On 17th October 2017, during the meeting in Minsk, Belarus, the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) approved the results of the 1st Call for Proposals regarding the TO Heritage.

The JMC decided to co-finance 17 projects out of 146 that had submitted full application forms during the second stage of the call. We invite you to take a look on the list of the winners. At the same time, the Committee approved the reserve list composed of 64 projects.

The total amount of awarded co-financing equals to 33,25 M EUR. The final available co-financing amount was increased by the JMC from the amount of 27,1 M EUR thanks to reallocations of funds from the technical assistance budget and TO Borders, where the amount of requested co-financing by submitted projects is lower that the available sources. Such decision will enable financing and implementation of more projects from this most popular thematic objective Heritage. The Joint Technical Secretariat will soon inform each from 146 applicants on the final decision of the JMC regarding their project.

During the meeting the JMC discussed also such current issues as the progress of Large Infrastructure Projects’ selection process, the Technical Assistance budget or information and promotion activities performed by the JTS and branch offices of the Programme. The evaluation results of the Programme 2007-2013 were also presented as well as the progress in the closing of last Large Infrastructure Projects.

Next JMC meeting will be held in Lviv on 7th December 2017. The selection of projects submitted within next two thematic objectives, i.e. Accessibility and Borders, will be the objective of that meeting. As for the award decision regarding projects from TO Security, this will be taken during the JMC meeting in Białystok planned to be organized by the end of March 2018.