Yazep Drazdovich Cultural and Educational Centre, Non-Governmental Organization
Ada Raichonak |
211924, Віцебская вобл., Шаркаўшчынскі р-н, в.Германавічы, вул.Дзярабіна, 10 |
(02154) 29124 |
"AMI" Jewish Culture Club, Inter-District Non-Governmental Organisation
Ala Shkop |
247500, Гомельская вобл., г.Рэчыца, вул.Луначарскага, 32 |
(02340) 21774 |
"ICOM" Belarusian Committee of International Council of Museums, Public Association
Ala Stashkevich |
220029, г.Мінск, вул.Багдановіча, 15 |
(17) 2347261 (29) 5441124 |
"AMI" Jewish Culture Club, Inter-District Non-Governmental Organisation
Ala Shkop |
247500, Гомельская вобл., г.Рэчыца, вул.Луначарскага, 32 |
(02340) 21774 |
Minsk Branch of "Polotskaya Vetv" Belarusian Literary Union, Non-Governmental Organization
Aleg Zaitsau |
220002, г.Мінск, вул.Камуністычная, 42-4 |
"Mindoug" Historical Club, Brest City Non-Governmental Organization
Oleg Zelenko |
г.Брэст вул.Багдановіча, 50 |
Historical and Genealogical Society, Trastsyanеts"
Aleg Petrashkevich |
220071, г.Мінск, вул.Гікала, 28-37-28 |
(17) 2396634 |
Navapolatsk City Organisation of the Francys Skaryna Belarusian Language Society, Non-Governmental Organization
Aleg Rudzenak |
211440, Віцебская вобл., г.Наваполацк, Паркавая 1 |
(02144) 27194 |
The Francys Skaryna Belarusian Language Society, Non-Governmental Organization
Aleg Trusau |
220005, г.Мінск, вул.Румянцава, 13 |
(17) 2848511, (17) 28823 53 |
Minsk City Organisation of the Francys Skaryna Belarusian Language Society, Non-Governmental Organization
Alena Anisim |
220116, г.Мінск, пр-т Газеты "Известия", 15-64 |
(17) 2707653 |
"Svyatlisa" Creative Association, Non-Governmental Organization
Alyaxandr Bokach |
225320, Брэсцкая вобл., г.Баранавічы, вул.Першукевіча, 40-1 |
(0163) 454931 |
Belarusian School Society, Republican Non-Governmental Organization
Ales Lozka |
г.Мінск, вул.Варанянскага,7а,пак.720 |
(17) 2740472 (17) 2274974 |
Minsk Regional Organisation of "BPF "Adradzhenne" (Revival) Non-Governmental Organization
Alyes Mikhalyevich |
220005, г.Мінск, вул.Варвашэні, 8 |
(17) 2881008 (17) 2845012 |
"Talent" Belarusian Foundation, Republican Non-Governmental Organization
Alisa Garauskaya |
220114, г.Мінск, вул. Філімонава, 25-505 |
(17) 2962209 |
Public Association "Belarusian Foundation for Christian Culture Support"
Alyaxandr Alpeyeu |
220013, г.Мінск, вул.Броўкі, 22-404 |
(17) 2533691 |
"Svyatlo Radzimy" (The Light of Motherland) Association, International Non-Governmental Organization
Alyaxandr Bilyk |
220000, г.Мінск, вул.Рэвалюцыйная, 4 |
(17) 2236320 |